50 Most Important Bible Questions
You’ve got Bible questions. We’ve got answers. The Bible is full of great truths for our lives . . . and also, if we’re being honest, a lot of mysteries that we don’t understand. You’ve probably wondered about these questions many times. You’d like good answers. Just keep it short and sweet. But where can you turn for reliable guidance?
Dr.Rydelink addresses questions such as:
Why does God allow bad things to happen?
Did Noah really fit all the animals of the earth on a boat?
Can I lose my salvation?
What is the best Bible translation—King James or another?
How can you explain the Trinity?
Did Jesus really turn water into wine?
And much more . . .
Though the Bible is full of mysteries, it has no errors. There are good answers to all the perplexing questions. Don’t stay in the dark any longer. Get the answers from an expert and let your confusion turn to understanding.
The ultimate, all-in-one resource on what the Old Testament says about Messiah!
As Jesus walked the Emmaus road, he showed his companions how the whole of Scripture foretold his coming. Yet so often today we’re not quite sure how to talk about Jesus in the Old Testament. How do you know what applies to Jesus? And how do you interpret some of the unusual prophetic language? Get answers and clarity in this authoritative and reliable guide to messianic prophecy from some of the world’s foremost evangelical Old Testament scholars.
In this in-depth, user-friendly one volume resource you get:
essays from scholars on the big ideas and major themes surrounding Messianic prophecy
A clear and careful commentary on virtually every passage in the Old Testament considered Messianic
Insights into the original Hebrew and helpful analysis of theological implications
Watch the Scriptures come into full color as you see new meaning in familiar passages and further appreciate God’s masterful handiwork in preparing the way for Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah.
Imagine having a team of 30 Moody Bible Institute professors helping you study the Bible. Now you can with this in-depth, user-friendly, one-volume commentary.
General editors Michael Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham have led a team of contributors whose academic training, practical church experience, and teaching competency make this commentary excellent for anyone who needs help understanding the Scriptures.
This comprehensive and reliable reference work should be the first place Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, missionaries, and pastors turn to for biblical insight. Scripture being commented on is shown in bold print for easy reference, and maps and charts provide visual aids for learning. Additional study helps include bibliographies for further reading and a subject and Scripture index.
The Moody Bible Commentary is an all-in-one Bible study resource that will help you better understand and apply God’s written revelation to all of life.
Hosted by Dr. Michael Rydelnik from Israel, he and other biblical scholars engage in a captivating discussion to unlock the mysteries of one of the most fascinating passages of Scripture. You’ll gain insights from the Jewish and Christian perspectives as you examine the interpretations and implications of this pivotal text. Exploring the ancient prophecy of Isaiah 53 is one of the most fascinating studies one can make. Some say this chapter reveals the story of the Bible in just a few verses. At the heart of the mystery is identifying the one called “My servant.” Discover and explore the clues that help to reveal the mystery of God’s deliverance, the servant, the sacrifice, and the fulfillment of prophecy.
This 4-part DVD presents biblical scholars who discuss the clues and interpretations of Isaiah 53. Participants include Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Michael Brown, and Dr. Darrell Bock.
Publisher: B&H Academic (Oct, 10)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8054-4654-8
In The Messianic Hope, Dr. Michael Rydelnik, professor of Jewish Studies at the Moody Bible Institute, puts forth a thesis that the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is a Messianic book. It was intended by its authors to be read as a messianic primer. He explains at length how the text reveals significant direct messianic prophecy when read in its final form. Users will find this excellent topical study, the sixth of the long-respected New American Commentary series, a key addition to their library.
Publisher: Day of Discovery (May, 09)
For Christians, Jesus is at the center of everything they believe. As a Jewish young man, Michael Rydelnik refused to even consider Jesus’ claim to be the promised Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures. But when his own mother, a Holocaust survivor, revealed that she now believed in Jesus, it divided their family. Michael, in an effort to convince his mother that she was wrong, began to study the Messianic prophecies found in the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament Scriptures. Little did he know that his efforts to find evidence to dissuade his mother from her faith in Jesus would in fact lead him to the Jewish Messiah. Join Dr. Michael Rydelnik as he recounts his own personal journey of discovery in this 3-part series, “My Search for Messiah.”
Publisher: Moody Publishers (Oct, 07)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-2623-9
Attempts at mediation between Israel and the Arab world are becoming increasingly more complicated with the Arab Spring and the threat of a nuclear Iran. Depending on the news agency reporting, one alternately gets the impression that Israel is in the right … or maybe the Palestinians have legitimate concerns and demands that must be met. What you don’t hear is what the real story is, and how the news is ‘spun.’ This book examines the record of the conflict along with the contemporary issues and evidence to place the ‘crisis that never ends’ in its Biblical, historical, and prophetic contexts.
* “An Extended Review of Paul the Convert.” Mishkan. (1995)
* “His Blood Be Upon Us.” Mishkan. (1987)
* “Inner-Biblical Perspectives on Messianic Prophecy.” Mishkan. (Fall 1998)
* “Preaching in a Messianic Congregation.” Kesher. (Winter 1995-96)
* “The Problem of Mistaken Identity – Isaiah 52:13-53:12.” Chosen People Magazine
* “Using Rabbinic Sources in Preaching and Teaching.” Kesher. (Fall 1997)
* “Was Paul Anti-Semitic? Re-visiting 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16.” Bibliotheca Sacra. (Winter 2008)
*”The Jewish People and Salvation.” Bibliotheca Sacra (Fall 2008).
* “Who Are The Christ Killers?” Moody Monthly. (October 1985)
Book Chapters
* “Ground Zero: The Centrality of Israel in Bible Prophecy.” In Prophecy Light of Today, ed. Charles H. Dyer. Moody, 2002
* “Israel: The Linchpin in Biblical History and Prophecy.” In Storm Clouds on the Horizon, ed. Charles H. Dyer. Chicago: Moody, 2001
* “Messianic Jewish Theological Education.” In Voices of Messianic Judaism, ed. Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Baltimore: Lederer Publications, 2001
* “The Messiah of the Hebrew Bible.” In The Apologetics Study Bible. Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2007
* “Preaching Historical Narrative.” In The Moody Handbook of Preaching. ed. John Koessler. Chicago: Moody, 2008
* “Proclaiming Jesus from the Hebrew Bible: The Virgin Birth as Predicted in the Hebrew Scriptures.” In Proclaiming Jesus: Essays in Honor of Joseph M. Stowell, ed. Thomas Cornman. Chicago: Moody, 2007
“The Ongoing Importance of Messianic Prophecy for Jewish Evangelism in the New Millennium” in To The Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History. Eds. Mitch Glaser and Darrell Bock, Kregel, 2008.
* “Study Notes on Daniel.” In The Holman Christian Standard Study Bible, ed. Edwin A. Blum. Nashville: Broadman Holman, 2010
*”The Jewish People: Evidence for the Truth of Scripture” in The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel, Eds. Mitch Glaser and Darrell Bock, Kregel, 2014
*”The Hermeneutics of the Conflict” in Israel, the Church and the Middle East: A Biblical Response to the Conflict. Eds. Mitch Glaser and Darrell Bock, Kregel, 2018
Translation Work
* Old Testament Translation Team for The Holman Christian Standard Bible