“The Scriptures were not given to increase our knowledge, but to change our lives.”
D.L. Moody
“Taste and See” by Shira Harpaz-Pomeranz
You can see more of Shira’s work on Pinterest – search Shira Harpaz-Pomeranz.
Keep reading the Bible, applying what you learn, and it will change your life as you learn to love the Lord more every day.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. [2 Timothy 3:16-17]
There are many Bible reading plans. Here is one from Discipleship Journal that you may find helpful. It has NT & OT readings each day, with 25 readings per month, giving you days each month to catch up or do deeper study. The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan
If you have a Bible question as you study the Scriptures, why not tune into OpenLine each Saturday morning on your local radio station? While you are listening, you could phone in your question to talk about it on the air. See “Michael on the Radio” below for details. Or go to the Open Line Radio page to Ask Michael a Question & submit your question for the mailbag.
Blog Posts
Speaking Engagements:
View Michael’s speaking schedule here.
Michael’s Books: Check out Michael’s latest book, 50 Most Important Bible Questions, as well as several others.
Do you want to see Israel with Eva & Michael to learn the Bible on location, enrich your walk with Messiah and have a lot of fun?
ZION [Official Lyric Video]
Lyric video for Aaron's song "ZION" about God's eternal promise to Abraham and his descendants.
God Bless you as you listen to this Scripture filled, Messiah focused song.